The Heaven Reflection

November 8, 2018 0 By Mirm

A Jimbo Reflection (a birthday reword of The Rainbow Connection with gratitude to Kermit)

Why are there so many thoughts about heaven
And what everyone’s doing today?
Jim’s so happy, singing and playing
Heaven’s so hard to convey
This life is short; the next is forever
I know it’s real – wait and see
Someday we’ll praise Him and worship together
My honey, my family, and me

God said that each prayer would be heard and answered
When prayed to the Morning Star
Think of a place with no more cancer
I really look forward and far
Watching and hoping with anticipation
Jim’s on the porch with my tea
Someday we’ll have it, the last resurrection
My honey, my family, and me

All of us under his mercy
We know that it’s his deep grace

Have you been loved forgiven and cherished?
I’ve heard God calling my name
In His sweet arms He carried Jim Mohler
Others He’s carried the same
Home and to rest safely they’ve made it
It’s somewhere that I’m going to be
Someday we’ll be there, all in the throne room
My honey, my family, and me

La-da-da, de-da-da-do