Category: Encouragement

Wishes and Prayers

One of the struggles I have with prayer is not that I don’t think it is important. I do. I know I need to keep praying, even when I don’t feel like it. I need to talk to God, telling Him my needs and thanking Him for His answers. It is not that I am…

By Mirm June 9, 2018 0

Sopps 6.3.18

Skyler and Lauren, because I don’t speak “electrical engineer”, this analogy is based on the universal language of music! In the Magician’s Nephew, CS Lewis writes about the creation of Narnia. When the characters find themselves in the land of Narnia they actually stumble into the creation of the world itself. When they enter there…

By Mirm June 3, 2018 0

Growing Weary

I am not sure why but time seems to dull the senses, curb enthusiasm and stifle joy. I have the depressing capacity for getting tired of the wonder, of taking life’s moments and pleasures for granted. No matter how hard I try to rail against it, I miss amazing and beautiful things that God has…

By Mirm May 23, 2018 0

Ears to Hear Ex. 18:9-12

When God does amazing things in my life I am usually quick to share it within the household of faith. After all, it is worth celebrating! I am not usually so quick to share it with people who don’t know God in a personal way. I can give all kinds of excuses for why I…

By Mirm April 19, 2018 0

Where everyone knows my mom!

So people think that I have a lot of connections; I don’t really.  But, I am related to someone who does.  I could tell you story upon story of being somewhere random and running into someone who knows my mom and/or dad.  It truly is amazing at the number of people who my folks have…

By Mirm March 11, 2018 0


50 years Dennie and Diana This ministry power couple has had a powerful impact on many people, but most importantly (for me anyways), they have shaped me more than they will ever know. It is an honor to celebrate their marriage and I join the 1000’s of others who would be first in line to…

By Mirm December 5, 2017 0

ABC’s of Gratitude

Every year of our married life Jim and I had the discipline of writing down the things we are thankful for every November. Since meeting with Colleen for the past few months I decided to commit to memory her Alphabet list of Bible Verses this month. I did adapt a few of the verses from…

By Mirm November 1, 2017 0

Beach Glass

I love beach glass. I remember hunting for it with my Uncle John along the beaches in New England.  Whenever we found a piece we felt like we had found a treasure, especially if it was a color we had not seen in a while. While people avoid broken glass because of its sharp edges,…

By Mirm July 11, 2017 0