Category: Encouragement

Fresh Start

So it would seem that a new job has inspired several other new or fresh starts, including working on diet and exercise, developing a new normal as far as daily routines go, and cracking some new books.  It would seem that I have, for the first time in a long time, mustered some new motivation!…

By Mirm June 25, 2012 0

A New Chapter!

When Jim got sick, I really wanted to be with him every minute of the journey to recovery, but God knew others needed to spend time with him too (and that he would not recover!). I knew I would need to get a job with benefits and God provided for our needs by getting me…

By Mirm June 1, 2012 2

5 Day Challenge – a retrospective

This past week I participated in the “Poverty Fast” with my church family in Illinois. While I could not commit to the “no caffeine” rule without getting a headache at work, I pretty much followed the rest of the guidelines.  Everyday food intake was restricted to one cup oatmeal for breakfast and a one cup…

By Mirm May 19, 2012 1

Happy 100th Anniversary FBCS!

I was not sure I would go.   I didn’t want to remember because sometimes the memories are hard and overwhelming.  But when I was invited and I thought about it, I could almost hear Jim’s voice encouraging me and telling me to go for both of us.  I did go and I did remember.  It…

By Mirm March 19, 2012 1

New Insights

Today marks the Super Bowl but also 15 months since Jim joined the cloud of witnesses!  I make new discoveries and see God’s mercies in new ways every day. Some of them are nurturing, some are healing, some are practical!  For example, I recently rearranged my bedroom and added a new comforter. I knew I…

By Mirm February 5, 2012 2

Mirmmade Tales… be continued?

Well, I have kept this blog barely alive for a year and now I am trying to decide if I am going to keep it going or not.  I don’t think it will matter much since not many people follow it (except I get a ridiculous amount of spam), and I am processing several other…

By Mirm December 28, 2011 1

A New Boss

So today my former boss actually handed over the responsibilities of managing our team to the new boss.  For those that have followed my work saga over the last year, it is no surprise that I have been looking forward to this possibility and this day for most of the last year.  My former boss…

By Mirm July 7, 2011 3