Happy Birthday to Amanda!
Last year I decided that I wanted to learn 25 things about this one amazing woman who I get to call my daughter-in-love. I don’t feel like I really learned enoughnor with intentionality. Perhaps her 26th year will be even better as far as growing in relationship, friendship and knowledge of her. 25 things I…
69 Years – Today is Corny Joke Day!
Before November 8th, 1955, before the twinkle in Lionel’s eye 9 months prior to that, before any life on planet earth began, Jim was loved and his life was orchestrated by a good God. And this loving God knew all about who Jim would become and who he would influence. He planned for us to…
There is a time for everything!
Today on my calendar is the birthday of my friend Lorraine who I have not seen in a “long” time. I imagine that if we got together, we would pick back up in the middle of a conversation like no time had passed and we would not stop talking until we fell asleep mid-sentence. I…
What’s so magical about 65?
What is old age? When does it start? 90 years ago FDR decided it was to be 65. The thing is that I think old age is just ahead of whatever age you are. I also think that it is somewhat an attitude or an outlook. I know some people in their 90’s and they…
A new Perspective on Old Age
In last week’s news it was discovered that people do not age gradually. There is a big jump at 44 and another at age 60. So I guess that in anticipation of this “big” event on Thursday, the next number is over rated and I have been on the downhill slide for 5 years! Who…
32 Years of my favorite Girl
32 years ago, I met a girl. As I got to know her, I realized this was not going to be an ordinary relationship. She needed me and I needed her but for very different reasons. She needed me to feed her, clothe her, keep her safe and show her the beauty of the world…
Happy #28 Clayton
Clayton, I remember the day you were born so well. A lot of time has passed since that day and there have been many adventures and hardships inbetween, but today I celebrate the man that is you. I remember many of your birthday celebrations. Many of them included snow and even blizzard conditions (Funny how…
Happy #34 Connor
Dear Connor, How is it possible that you are in your thirties? How is it possible that you have been my son-in-love for 9 years already? Time sure has gone by fast. In fact, time is like a roll of toilet paper that unrolls faster and faster the closer it gets to the end of…
Happy 25 Amanda
Dear Amanda, I know you’re my only daughter-in-law, but you’re still my favorite! Though you weren’t born into our family, you were born to be part of it and I feel like I got a great gift when Clayton chose you as his life partner. One quarter of a century. One fourth of “my kids”.…
Happy Birthday Jim #68
Jim, Your high school reunion was this year. I was asked if I would like to attend in your honor. which says a great deal about how valued you were that they still miss you and wish you were around to celebrate with them. (I didn’t go because I was in RI when it happened).…