Category: Random Thoughts

Fresh Start

So it would seem that a new job has inspired several other new or fresh starts, including working on diet and exercise, developing a new normal as far as daily routines go, and cracking some new books.  It would seem that I have, for the first time in a long time, mustered some new motivation!…

By Mirm June 25, 2012 0

LA Festival of Books!

This weekend I went to the LA festival of books. It seems to have become a tradition for Emily and I, along with my brother Jonathan and his family. That’s nice. A tradition! Since moving to California and since Jim left earth, it seems like our traditions, our celebrations, and our family has gone on…

By Mirm April 23, 2012 1

New Insights

Today marks the Super Bowl but also 15 months since Jim joined the cloud of witnesses!  I make new discoveries and see God’s mercies in new ways every day. Some of them are nurturing, some are healing, some are practical!  For example, I recently rearranged my bedroom and added a new comforter. I knew I…

By Mirm February 5, 2012 2

My New Invention!

It started with uploading a picture for my IPad of Walt Disney and Shirley Temple.  The page that came up included a recipe for Shirley Temple cupcakes, which Katherine and I decided to try while she was out visiting this weekend. Well, being the big tea and scone fans that we are, in addition to…

By Mirm January 9, 2012 4

In-Ten-se Emotions!

10 months ago Jim left planet earth, at least physically. So much of him remains by virtue of his memory and ministry and the mark he left. I dreamt about him all night – funny stuff  – both humorous and randomly odd! I woke up missing him more than ever! There have been way too…

By Mirm September 5, 2011 1