Category: Jim

A Bakers Dozen.

13 years ago Jim went to heaven where time is different than here – there is no morning and evening. There is no night. There is only joy and light and Jesus! But on this side of the veil there are days which turn into weeks, months and years. There is waiting and remembering and…

By Mirm November 5, 2023 1


Yesterday at our weekly staff meeting one of the shepherds asked us to list miracles we have witnessed and the room was silent. Really?! A room full of full time ministers and christian workers who could not share a miracle! (myself included). I am sure that some of the lack of response was due to…

By Mirm March 16, 2023 0

Jim at 67.

We celebrated Jim this weekend. Emily made an apple pie. We went out to dinner and played games. Today is Jim’s birthday. I wonder what life would be like if he was still here. I wish He was. The longer I live without him and the more of his birthdays I celebrate without him the…

By Mirm November 8, 2022 3

November 5th

This is a day seared into my memory forever. It is that mix of complete devastation and holy moments. It was a blend of wanting complete privacy and needing to allow everyone else to say their goodbyes. It is the worst day of my life and the hardest one I have ever known. It is…

By Mirm November 5, 2022 4

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

We are studying Genesis at church and when I get to the place where Jacob is fleeing for his life after stealing Esau’s birthright and blessing, I am always reminded of the worst night of my life – 11/5/10 when Jim left earth for heaven and I had my own dark night of the soul.…

By Mirm January 24, 2022 0

Using the W word

I am thinking about the day we celebrated Jim in a memorial service on this date in 2010. We had music, balloons, laffy taffy, people from every part of his life and more. It was a “good” day. He was worth celebrating and remembering. I hate the term widow. I don’t know why, but I…

By Mirm November 22, 2021 0

Jim’s Birthday

Not a day goes by that I don’t think about Jim; he is tattooed onto my soul with indelible ink. I remember things about him that I admired, his wisdom and thoughtfulness, his quick wit, the soft kiss at the start and end of each day. He never left the house without a magic trick…

By Mirm November 8, 2021 3


Eleven years ago today, my husband of 30 years, my best friend, the father of my children and a very creative minister left this life for a better one. Over the years he has continued to impact lives for the better by the memories shared of him and I continue to count it a privilege…

By Mirm November 5, 2021 4