Category: Emily

My Daughter

One Year Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary! April 11, 2016 One year later! It’s crazy how marriage has the propensity to set the course of your life. Even when circumstances are filled with trouble and weakness, marriage provides the strength to face the worst, while holding hands with the best. You two have one year under your belt. Many people…

By Mirm April 11, 2016 2

23rd anniversary of becoming a Mom

Today is Emily’s Birthday! I made her scones even though she wasn’t home in the morning as the 22 years prior! Then tonight Connor invited us to join them at Rain Forest Cafe for dinner. One of Emily’s favorite restaurants growing up! It was fun!  I will also say that is was a very odd…

By Mirm September 3, 2015 0

Emily is 21!

Where does the time go? You are a full grown woman and I am not sure how that happened!? A Letter to my 21 year old daughter: Today you are 21 years old.  Birthdays mean something different to parents than they do to kids. To us, we cannot help but think about the day our…

By Mirm September 5, 2013 0