Category: Friends

What I remember

There are many lives I remember: People who have walked through my life leaving footprints on my heart; voices that whisper kind words that I can still faintly hear; touches through deeds and presence that have given my life purpose and changed its shape. Some I remember by name and some I cannot. Last night…

By Mirm March 12, 2022 0

I hear you. I see you.

I have a friend who has had a very hard season and finds herself in the midst of grief and the sad loneliness that comes along for the journey. I have been there, but at the same time I haven’t. Grief is so solitary and unique. The loneliness of grief is so different than regular…

By Mirm November 21, 2021 0

Dave’s Life in Sports

Dave, Thank you for the book! It was an honor to be included among the recipients. I loved hearing about it and reading it through over the phone with C., but then to get a copy of my own was really special. She sure does love you and I am sure you are grateful for…

By Mirm May 14, 2021 0


Sometimes when the sun is setting and God is painting the sky with pinks, purples and shades of rainbow sherbet, I think about endings and goodbyes. I love the reflection the end of the day brings and I would tell you that twilight is my favorite time of the day. Even knowing that there is…

By Mirm January 15, 2021 0

Eight Three One

So today is many things. It is National Trail Mix Day, Jeff Tuten’s birthday and the day that Princess Diana died. But it also represents a magical number. The summer that I worked as a counselor at Mount Hermon’s Redwood Camp in the Santa Cruz mountains was a special summer for me for many reasons.…

By Mirm August 31, 2020 1

People I once knew

I read that someone died today. I once knew him. I read that someone was born today. I knew his parents once. The beauty of facebook is that it keeps us connected to people that we once knew and spent time with. It calls us back to a time in our lives when that friendship…

By Mirm June 23, 2020 0

Driving back in time

The other day I took a mini vacation with a friend. We needed to get out and do something as this pandemic seems to be never ending! So, we got in the car and drove back in time. Literally we drove to the San Fernando Valley but it really was a trip to our past.…

By Mirm May 29, 2020 0