Category: Fun!

Family Friday #11 ITFDB

It’s Time For Dodger Baseball Both Jim and I grew up as baseball fans. Actually we both grew up rooting for the Dodgers. We also grew up in the era where baseball cards were clipped into spokes and “ruined” for the completely unique and motorized sound, when going to sporting events was affordable for the…

By Mirm March 22, 2024 0

Family Friday #10 Seeing People

AKA – Ministry happens in the context of relationships. When I was packing up my house I found several random tiny treasures, mostly pictures or mementos given to one of us from one of our students. I think the thing that is significant is that after so many years each one – in fact even…

By Mirm March 15, 2024 2

Happy #28 Clayton

Clayton, I remember the day you were born so well. A lot of time has passed since that day and there have been many adventures and hardships inbetween, but today I celebrate the man that is you. I remember many of your birthday celebrations. Many of them included snow and even blizzard conditions (Funny how…

By Mirm March 4, 2024 0

Happy #34 Connor

Dear Connor, How is it possible that you are in your thirties? How is it possible that you have been my son-in-love for 9 years already? Time sure has gone by fast. In fact, time is like a roll of toilet paper that unrolls faster and faster the closer it gets to the end of…

By Mirm March 2, 2024 0

How many does it take?

How many boxes WIll it take to pack my stuff? How many hugs will it take to say I’ve missed you? How many times do I need to really learn my lesson? How many Bible Studies does it take until we get the main point? And by “getting it” there is the requirement of appropriation.…

By Mirm February 22, 2024 1

The posture in 2024

We all face the same challenge to let go of what lies behind, rest in the present and trust the future to God’s good keeping. This is the posture of content obedience. It was 38 years ago this month that God told Jim and I to “Go”. We listened and obeyed. We left a great…

By Mirm January 7, 2024 0