Category: GRIEF

Earl Degrafft

One of the amazing and greatest blessings of living across the street from Downey First Baptist was the family that moved into the house in front of ours.  Earl and Connie Degrafft, who went to church with us, who were almost empty nesters (Susan was in high school, but the older 4 were grown), who…

By Mirm October 8, 2018 0

Kaylee Mykal Benzing

Cousins words to describe Kaylee: awesome, thoughtful, fantastical, kind, extreme, uplifting, laugh-a-getic, life of the party. Angel story My name is Miriam Mohler and Many years ago I was the junior high pastor at FBCS along with my husband who was also on staff. One of the families I ministered with and to was the…

By Mirm July 20, 2018 1

Bill Method

Bill has been my friend for nearly 40 years. He was on the Puppet Express Co. with Ann, his wife, Jimbo Mohler and Pat Zweber. Others came and went but these 4 formed the original team. Over the years as we all moved apart the sense of family created by this team of puppeteers stayed…

By Mirm June 25, 2018 0

Billy Graham

Well Dr Graham went home to heaven yesterday and everyone seems to be sharing their memories and stories of this amazing evangelist, known as America’s Pastor. I too have stories! My first remembrance is when I was probably 4 years old.  We sat really high up in the Coliseum in LA and I remember that…

By Mirm February 22, 2018 0

This is Us is Us!

Grief is part of the landscape of life. It made itself at home long ago and yet I realized its presence in a profound way when my life partner left earth. It is always there and I ignore it in the same way that I function with a low grade headache or keep eating popcorn…

By Mirm February 7, 2018 1


After Us I heard a statistic when I was first widowed that every cell in my body would be replaced in a seven year span, so that none of my cells now would ever have “known” Jim. I googled that and it is not true! Seven is just a number and on the other side…

By Mirm November 5, 2017 0

Get over it

This would have been our 37th wedding anniversary; it is one of those weird things that I am not sure how to word. I am never clear on which verb tense I should use or whether or not I should keep counting the years at all.  It is so confusing sometimes! I used to say…

By Mirm August 23, 2017 0

RIP Dinah

So we had this cat.  We got her in 1998 when she was a kitten and the kids were little.  We named her Dinah after Alice in Wonderland’s cat. Dinah was mostly Emily’s cat.  She loved to cuddle and sleep with us.  She had a season of not being nice and we often told her…

By Mirm August 1, 2017 0