My biggest fear
One thing I was often fearful of was that I loved Jim too much and so God would take him from me. Then my worst fear came true. I know that is not accurate because I know that is not what God is like. And yet, on really dark days I still wonder if there…
Harvesting Hope!
I was thinking of the expression, “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade” and while I understand the point of this proverb, I must say I rather like lemons. Perhaps the saying really should read (for me anyway) – When life gives you manure, grow a garden. I say this because what we have been…
Jim was diagnosed 21 months before he went to heaven and now it has been 21 months since he has been there. Today the sermon was all about marriage. UGH! Had I known I would have skipped it! It is so hard to feel like I fit anywhere anymore. On another, more positive note, my…
I am not a single parent!
I think it is interesting to be a widow in one respect – that of a parent. I feel like I am still married for starters, but I also I am not really parenting alone. Jim’s influence and leadership are still powerfully present in our family. Maybe because I don’t feel “single” in the true…
S’more Variations on a Theme
It all started “back in the day” when we took the youth group on a trip and forgot the graham crackers. All we had were Oreos and Double Stuffed Oreos so we had “Smuffs” and “Smoreos”. After that we intentionally tried all kinds of combinations on other trips and activities. At The Bonfire, in memory…
The ABC’s of Jim Mohler
In Honor of the Anniversary of Jim’s Birth 11/8/55 Amusing* Brilliant *Creative* Dad *Encourager* Faithful *Godly* Husband* Integrity* Jazzy *Kite flyer* Lover *Magical* N-tertainer* Original* Puppeteer *Quest for Christlikeness* Rhythmic *Strong Leader *Teacher* Unique *Valiant *Wise* Xtra- Smart *Youthworker *Zany
Further Up and Further In
One year ago today Jesus carried Jim to heaven! Today I know he is continuing to move “further up and further in” and for Jim the real adventures are just beginning! We too are moving further up and further into our grief. I guess enough people told me that the first year would be the…
Jim’s One Year “Going Home” Anniversary
Hey Everyone! In case you are out of the loop….Or don’t have access to Facebook : I wanted to invite you to : Jim’s One Year “Going Home” Anniversary Saturday, November 5 6:00pm – 9:00pm Huntington State Beach, CA near Magnolia This is a Save-the-Date notice! Bring your dinner or the fix-ins to cook over…
Eleven in Heaven
Today Jim has been in heaven for 11 months, but I know it only counts on this side of it for those of is who are waiting (to finally enter Narnia)! I think of the 4th verse of the hymn Amazing Grace: “When we’ve been there 10,000 years, bright shining as the sun, we’ve no…
Glaciers and Earthquakes
I was listening to an uploaded sermon from our church in IL Â last week and Mike was looking back at the events of 9/11. The comparison of the events, based on an analogy from Dr. Martin Marty, was to an earthquake. For most people, the event was an earthquake. When there is an earthquake,…