Forty One
Dear Jim, Today marks the day we said, “I do”. Forty-One. It was a long time ago, …but not really. I have remembered that day for 11 years without you,… but not really. You continue to find me in my dreams. You continue to show up in my daily speech. You smile at me from…
Waves of Grace
Jim. Today I miss you. I could write this every day since you left earth. But today it hurts. Some days are like that – when the reality that half of me is still missing and the phantom pain is more noticeable than before. I am not sure why it is today – it isn’t…
Seeing in the Dark
I will admit that I used to be afraid of the dark. I wasn’t afraid in my room under the covers with the lights out but I was often spooked in a dark hall or walking home from a babysitting job late; it was really a combination of the eerie quiet, reading too many Nancy…
10 years ago (3,653 days)
It was early in the morning and I had gotten up off the sofa next to the hospital bed to get ready for work. Steve Shepherd was coming over to be with Jim and the kids were getting ready for school. Jim’s breathing was labored, waking me up several times that night. At the time,…
Words by Wil Triggs
I’ve been asked to give a testimony to our men’s Bible study. We’ve been doing Wayne Grudem’s systematic theology, a chapter or two at a time, and then they ask someone from the group to give a testimony. This week they asked me and the chapter is death and the intermediate state. It’s Wednesday night.…
Sometimes I am asked by others on the grief journey if it ever gets easier. I am not sure, even after 9 years, how to answer that question. I usually respond my rote response; “It never gets harder.” I guess that is because I am not sure if “easier” will ever happen and I am…
Windshields & Rear View Mirrors
I don’t even think twice about looking out the front windshield when I am driving; it is the way I learned to drive! What is in front of me is far more important than what is behind me when I am heading down the highway! The rear view mirror is smaller and is designed that…
I need a new word
Sometimes I miss you because you made me laugh Sometimes I miss you because I have a question that I know you would be able to answer I miss someone else helping me with chores and responsibilities; making goals, plans and sharing plans and my day at the end of it. I miss cooking and…
The Heaven Reflection
A Jimbo Reflection (a birthday reword of The Rainbow Connection with gratitude to Kermit) Why are there so many thoughts about heaven And what everyone’s doing today? Jim’s so happy, singing and playing Heaven’s so hard to convey This life is short; the next is forever I know it’s real – wait and see Someday…
I cannot remember your laugh!
Dear Jim, I never thought it would happen, but 8 years after you went to heaven I cannot remember what your laugh sounds like. I cannot remember other things about you but nothing bothers me as much as not remembering the sound of your joyful silliness – one of my favorite things about you. I…