Category: Connor & Emily

Happy 7th Anniversary

They say that this anniversary is itchy! I am not sure why people seem to think this is the time couples re-evaluate their relationship when statistics show it happens much earlier in the marriage. I am not sure it is a real thing anyway but I would say that every anniversary is an opportunity to…

By Mirm April 11, 2022 0

Clay at 25

Some things don’t seem possible. Today is one of them! Why? Because it is hard to believe you are already a quarter of a century! Your dad would have been so proud of the man you have become. When Emily turned 25 I gave her a 25 pun salute! Here is the Clay version for…

By Mirm March 4, 2021 0

5 Years

Happy 5th Anniversary Osborns! It is startling to wake up and realize that it has already been 5 years since your wedding day!  Is married life what you expected? Do you remember being single? Does it feel like 5 years? 5 years is the anniversary of wood – whatever that means! So I will start…

By Mirm April 11, 2020 0