Category: Family

Life as Thank You 51

Dear Brian and Susan, Sometimes I am overwhelmed by God’s grace and goodness in my life.  This is one of those moments as I reflect on you both and your role in my life.  I am working on increasing gratitude in my life and one of the ways I am doing so is writing old-fashioned…

By Mirm November 30, 2016 0

Life as Thank You 50

Dear Tammie, I am writing old-school thank you notes this year to express my gratitude. I am sure this will not be the last note I write to you nor will it be exhaustive, but I wanted to let you know that I love you. I am so glad that we are related, even if…

By Mirm November 22, 2016 0

Life as Thank You 49

Dear Debbie and Steve, I am taking this opportunity to let you know how grateful I am that you are in my life. When we first started attending EvFree I had a really hard time connecting in the service and was really homesick for Christ Church in Illinois. Then we found the Encounter service and…

By Mirm November 14, 2016 0

Life as Thank You 48

This is the only posthumous thank you note I am writing this year for obvious reasons; you can’t actually tell someone “thank you” after they are dead, so bless them while you have the opportunity.  Having said that, I can’t help but thank the man who shared my life for over 30 years and in…

By Mirm November 8, 2016 0

Life as Thank You #43

Dear Karen, Most of my childhood memories include you.  I am working on the discipline of gratitude one old school thank you note at a time.  I want to let you know how grateful I am that you are in my life; in fact my life would be very different if I had not known…

By Mirm October 3, 2016 0

Happy or Holy or both?!

I am a parent. I want my kids to be happy. I want them to be healthy. I want their needs met. I pray for them to make good decisions and good relationships. What I wrestle with is helping them pursue holiness over their “happiness”, their comfort and well-being.  (And actually their well-being is ultimately…

By Mirm September 21, 2016 0

If I could do it over…

I never wanted to be a mom (which is the subject of a different blog post discussion), but… If I could be a mom all over again, I would! That does not mean that I want babies again. Rather, I want MY babies again! I would love to relive the milestones, the experiences and most…

By Mirm September 5, 2016 0

“I Do” – Take 4?!

I am wrestling this week with a variety of emotions regarding Jim’s “family”. I did not anticipate the jumble of events after Jim died. How could I?! People whom I have called family for 30+ years continued to be involved in my life and the lives of my kids. We continued to celebrate holidays together.…

By Mirm August 16, 2016 0

Life as a Thank you 31

Today is National Aunts & Uncles Day. In honor of the people I call my aunts and uncles, I thought I would send a big shout out and thank you! This week is a bit different than a single thank you note as I share my gratitude for Aunt Janie, Aunt Kitty, Aunt Crystal, Aunt…

By Mirm July 26, 2016 0

Life as a Thank you 23

Dear David, I am working on becoming a more grateful person and so I am working on the discipline of writing thank you notes each week. In honor of your 50th I wanted you to know how thankful I am for you. Growing up I always wondered what it would be like to have an…

By Mirm June 1, 2016 0