Category: Family

Life as a Thank You – 10

How do I even begin to thank my mom without sounding trite or sappy. Mom, I know I have expressed my gratitude more than once over the years for all the things you have done for me, and I know it won’t be my last thank you to you, but in my effort to write…

By Mirm March 10, 2016 0

My Spiritual Birthday

I grew up in a home of Christ Followers and went to church every Sunday. We had family devotions at dinner and went to summer camp at Forest Home as a family. My church family became a place of relatives, the blood ones all lived far away, full of “aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc”. So…

By Mirm March 7, 2016 0

23rd anniversary of becoming a Mom

Today is Emily’s Birthday! I made her scones even though she wasn’t home in the morning as the 22 years prior! Then tonight Connor invited us to join them at Rain Forest Cafe for dinner. One of Emily’s favorite restaurants growing up! It was fun!  I will also say that is was a very odd…

By Mirm September 3, 2015 0

Psalm for my Sister

Years ago when I did calligraphy, I found and adapted a poem/prayer that I made for my sister, Martha.  In honor of National Sisters day (which was Sunday), I thought I would reprint it here. I will lift my eyes and smile as I give thanks for my sister. My radiant, cleverly talented and godly sister,…

By Mirm August 5, 2015 1

Letter to my mother in law!

Dear Linda, On July 4th, 1984 (31 years ago yesterday), you became my mother in law when Jim married you and Lionel in John and MaryEllen’s backyard. I have treasured the relationship with you over the past 30 years and love how our families intertwined as the 4 Mohler siblings gained 3 more brothers. When…

By Mirm July 5, 2015 2

Rehearsal Dinner Advice

Last night at the rehearsal dinner we were asked to give you advice or helpful words to get started on your married life.  You won’t remember much of what we said but my best advice is to become the person you want to be married to.  The rest are just some of my hurried thoughts:…

By Mirm April 10, 2015 0

Clayton Turns 19

Clayton – You are my blood, my baby. You grew inside of me. I felt you move, experienced your kicks and hiccups, felt your heart beat so close to my own before anyone could know you. I have watched you grow day after day more godly, intelligent, fun, and special than I could I could…

By Mirm March 4, 2015 1