8 months ago Jim inhaled Heaven for the first time!
Today I took off my wedding rings. I don’t know if it is a big deal or not or if I will put them back on eventually . I guess it was a way of closing a door that I didn’t want to close. I need help to believe I am no longer married. I…
First Father’s Day without Jim
This was a really hard day for us! The kids lost both their dad and one grandpa this year! We at least have my dad, who we celebrated! But, my kids spent most of the day sleeping. I guess it is a good way to avoid the day! We did decide that in the future…
Emily Mohler Graduates!
Hey everyone! I am the mother of a High school graduate! Where does the time go?! I am proud of her and I know her dad would be too. She leaves for Europe in a week!
Joyful Notes!
Emily and Alex are a great songwriting duo! I hope they are always inspired! They wrote Holding on which was sung at Jim’s service and now they have written”The Park”! Too Cute!
7 Months is Forever!
Another month has gone by since my best friend and life partner went to heaven. I don’t know when it will get easier. Maybe it won’t. I miss him. A lot. Many have asked me why I don’t write more often. Well, working full-time and managing solo is really hard and quite frankly I am…
Spring Cup 2011 Champions!
Clayton’s team had a great weekend as they played well and won the Cal South Spring Cup tournament!
A Graduation Blessing
Emily’s Senior class at church had a banquet to honor the graduates tonight. The parents were asked to write a blessing to share with their student. Here is the one I read to Emily. Dear Emily, I am so grateful to be your mom. I used to say it was the hardest thing I have…
6 Month Anniversary
I am not sure if I am following any sort of “normal” grief pattern, or even if there is such a thing, but at 6 months I can say that for me the fog seems to be lifting in this valley, the shock is wearing off, and I am realizing that I have to make…
Five things on April 5th – the Fifth month without Jim
Jim went to heaven 5 months ago. Today would have been his dad’s 86th birthday. I think because I anticipated this day with such caution, it was not as hard of a day as I thought it would be. (It was sort of like seeing an accident about to happen so you get ready for…
A prayer for my son
A prayer for Clayton on his 15th Birthday: Dear Lord, Thank you for the privilege of parenting such an amazing young man. It is a big task, and I am finding it daunting to finish it without Jim. Yet I know that you promise to be a Father to the fatherless. I am in awe…