Category: Encouragement

The Big Goodbye

There has been a “mass exodus” at work lately. I am not sure that it is over and I wonder who is next. This is a letter that sums up my recent response to my former colleagues -(DC JK JS KS BS CK CV) Here’s the thing, and it is not a hidden or new…

By Mirm May 18, 2022 0

Walking Backward

“History doesn’t repeat itself but sometimes it rhymes.” – Mark Twain Sometimes I feel nostalgic. I look at old photos. I watch reruns & classic movies for the umpteenth time. I collect treasures and leave it out to remind me of people and places I once knew, I revisit places in my mind or in…

By Mirm May 11, 2022 0

Found Things

Today I am celebrating found things. There are so many things I have looked for and found. Yesterday I was driving to Huntington Beach after church and Clayton called to tell me about Amanda’s missing bag. We had all recently gotten air tags so now was the time to see if they worked! Amanda’s phone…

By Mirm April 25, 2022 0


Once upon a time, last Sunday, April 10th shortly after 9pm to be more accurate, I was driving home to Downey after spending the afternoon with my parents. I was driving along with the flow of traffic on the North 605, listening to a Lucille Ball podcast, when all of a sudden I heard a…

By Mirm April 13, 2022 9

My Friend

Dear Lauren, I don’t remember when we first met. I don’t remember much about how we even became friends, but I am sure it was our boys’ faults. (Thank you to Skyler and Clayton). None of that really matters anyway because you have become one of my best friends and have even morphed into being…

By Mirm April 13, 2022 0

Too Good to be True

Is it true that I am God’s favorite? Does He mean it when He says He loves me enough to die for me? Does God actually have my best interest at heart? Really?! If I look at scripture, I can be convinced, most of the time, that every time God interacts with humankind He is…

By Mirm March 25, 2022 0

Grief and Covid

Another friend died of covid. UGH! He was healthy, “young”, a dad and a great husband. This is not supposed to be like this! I feel like I focus way too much on loss and grief. Perhaps that makes me a negative person, but I figure if you don’t care to read my thoughts –…

By Mirm February 12, 2022 0

Thanksgiving Prompts 2021

Gratitude is a choice. Being thankful takes discipline. Since we were married 41 years ago we intentionally set aside the month of November to practice aloud counting our blessings. Still thankful. Still choosing. Still counting. This year I am answering self-written prompts to think afresh of the things for which I am thankful. Please feel…

By Mirm November 30, 2021 1

The Last Chapter

Life is a story. Sometimes it is worth reading and sometimes it is more like an advertisement that is glanced at and thrown out. I want a life story full of meaning and not some boring drivel. A good book is one that I can’t put down and touches me. I want my life to…

By Mirm September 27, 2021 0