Category: Marriage

6 months!

I only have 6 months left with Emily!  I am so excited for her and yet I am so sad that it has gone so fast. There is still so much I want to do as a family.  We have not checked everything off the family bucket list. Well, I am still hopeful that we…

By Mirm October 11, 2014 0

Miriam on 34th St

It is my 34th Anniversary so I decided to have a little picnic in honor of the day. Jim proposed at 34th street in Newport Beach on Christmas day in 1979. I was trying to think of some clever way to remember and honor the day. There were several interesting ideas*… but in the end…

By Mirm August 23, 2014 1

A letter to my son-in-love

Dear Connor, You have a name. For years I have prayed for you but not by name, trusting that God knew who you were and was watching over you and growing you into the kind of person who would be best suited to love my sweet, yet mildly crazy daughter, Emily. Things I have prayed…

By Mirm July 5, 2014 0

Thoughts on Emily’s Engagement

Dear Emily, I’ve sort of ignored this reality for the past 22 years; that you would one day find your life partner, who I have prayed for since he was 2 years old, and so I feel thoroughly and utterly unprepared. Just moments ago, you called me with the news, the news of a lifetime.…

By Mirm June 24, 2014 0

Corny Joke Day!

Today is Jim’s Birthday! I made an apple pie and we are going to go miniature golfing to celebrate His life. He stopped growing older just before his 55th birthday but this is the 58th anniversary of the day he was born. I have always found a reason to celebrate life and together we made…

By Mirm November 8, 2013 1

33 years!

I know some might consider it silly to keep celebrating my anniversary even though Jim is in heaven but on this date I changed my name, committed my life to another and began a new family.  That family still exists and I am dedicated to its survival. I just cannot ignore a day that forever…

By Mirm August 23, 2013 0

My $65 Education

This story Jim often told and it was published in a book titled “College Faith 3”. Ed by Ronald Alan Knott. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews univeristy Press. 2006. excerpt by James W mohler. Chair, Christian Ministries Dept. Trinity Int. University, Deerfield IL As a young man just out of high school,I found the cost of…

By Mirm July 5, 2013 0

Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad!

Today is my parent’s 55th wedding anniversary. First I want to say “lucky” because I won’t have the same rare blessing. Second I want to say “blessed” because their marriage is another visible example of the communion of the Triune God. Third, I want to say my siblings and I are so fortunate for the…

By Mirm November 29, 2012 0